Grandma's Birthday

Today is my grandmother's 
81st birthday,
The 2nd I can't call
To send birthday wishes. 

I don't understand.
I felt so much love from her
As I was growing up. 
She always treated me like I was special to her. 

She always had a really nice smell.
I'm not quite sure what it was.  
It would take over when she would hug me.
I felt safe and cared for. 

I haven't gotten one of those hugs in over 2 years.  

I never imagined our relationship would sever.

Never imagined she would want nothing to do with me. 

Never imagined anything could break that bond. 

But it has broken and here I am. Another one of my grandmother's birthdays that are running out with time,
Still no contact.
Still so hurt.
Still so heartbroken. 


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