Writing Prompt: Dramatize a Formative Moment in Your Life (Second Try)

It's a warm summer evening in Central Florida. The first day of 10th grade ended two hours ago. I was dreading it so much, but it really wasn't that bad. I feel like if I can't transfer schools, everything might go better than last year.

My boyfriend is on the phone. He goes to the school I'm trying to transfer to. It's just a coincidence—I started the transfer process before we started dating. But still, it would be so great to have a boyfriend to kiss between classes.

He's telling me about his first day and all of our friends who go there, but he's really excited to tell me about this new kid. I guess he just moved here from Brooklyn and is really funny. My boyfriend has never heard a Brooklyn accent in real life, so he thinks it makes the new kid's jokes even funnier. I'm looking forward to meeting him.

It's two weeks later. I finally got the green light to transfer schools. No one knows today is the day—it'll be a surprise for all my friends. I'm sitting in the front office, getting registered.

After criticizing the school's old paint job, my mom turns to me and warns that this is it, "There's no going back," and asks if I'm sure. Hell yeah, I'm sure.

The last two weeks have definitely been better than last year, but having more bullies than friends is never fun. Worse is watching your best friend—who knows everything—refuse to take sides. I'm ready for change.

I get my schedule, and the guidance counselor asks a student to show me around. Apparently, it's lunchtime. My heart is pounding with adrenaline. I just want to see my friends already.

The kid keeps talking, but I'm looking for any way out of this tour. Then, I spot my friend walking by. I call out to him, and he's so shocked to see me. He tells me where everyone is sitting and runs ahead. I tell the kid I just want to go to lunch and take off after him.

All of my friends are outside on the patio at the red lunch table, waiting to greet me. It's the warmest welcome I've ever had. My boyfriend kisses me in front of everyone. It's awesome.

The day moves quickly. I love my classes. I've already made new friends. People here are so nice.

At the end of the day, I meet my boyfriend outside of his chemistry class so we can walk to the buses together. The new guy from Brooklyn is in that class with him, and my boyfriend wants us to meet. He’s definitely funny, and his accent doesn’t match his look at all. I notice he has really pretty, big green eyes.

We only have a couple of minutes to talk before they head to the buses. I hope we’ll become good friends.

It's ten years later. I'm walking down the aisle at my wedding to marry the love of my life. My grandfather places my hand in my fiancé's and says, "Be good to each other."

I turn to my love and ask, "Are you ready?"

He looks at me with his big green eyes and says, "Let's do this."

I had no idea that the scrawny boy from Brooklyn I met on my first day at my new school would grow up to be the love of my life and the best friend I've ever had.


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