Election Results
I'm kinda grumpy from sleeping so much so don't take this to heart too much. Why are we all recognizing the rights of basically every minority group being stripped away but not the biggest minority group, which is disabled people? I'm not saying we shouldn't talk about other minority groups but don't forget us. Disabled people are already poor because a large amount can't work and it's hella expensive to be disabled. Some countries treat my disease like it's a mental illness so I can't go there because I will not get treatment I need. Disabled people cannot save up to leave and honestly there's no real safe place for us. And now things are going to get worse for us here. I'm not being mellow dramatic when I say society wants disabled and chronically ill people dead and out of the way. It's reality and it's about to get even worse here in the United States. I could lose my basic rights, my disability benefits, my medical care, my