What Estrangement Has Taught Me
My mother and I have not spoken in two years as of March 1st. If you follow my blog, you know this was supposed to be temporary but turned permanent when my entire family for some reason stopped speaking to me because of this. Seriously, if you read the text I sent for some space, you would be astonished by how they acted. I am still grieving the losses but I think I'm in a better place. Anyway, here are some things I learned in the last two years from this experience: -People either get why you cut contact or they do not. No, I am not reaching out to the people who were abusive and were silent when I was suffering most to "forgive" them. -Watch out for those trying to get information to pass on, rather than actually wanting to be around. If they say they do not want to be in the middle but are putting themselves there anyway, RUN. -You will lose more people than you expect to. -The true colors of ...