Dear Panic Brain

Dear Panic Brain, 

First, thank you for always being here for me.  You always are trying to let me know when to watch out and who not to trust.  I truly appreciate that. 

I want to tell you that you are so strong and so brave.  You have been with me through my toughest and best days.  But I do not know if you realize that those days have multiplied but it's okay.  I'm here to tell you. 

We are adults now and we are safe.  We are no longer in danger.  We are smart and we advocate for ourselves and others.  We are in control of our own decisions.  We have people who love us surrounding us.  We have someone who loves us more than anyone else in the world.  We no longer need to worry about what is coming around the corner.   The future will figure itself out.  

I love you and I truly am grateful for your protection all of these years but a long time ago, things were starting to not just work out because you were there.  Eventually, I grew and learned other ways to survive.  I went to college.  I made new connections.  I gained new skills.  I have traveled to wonderful places.  I fell in love.  I defended others.  I conquered so many battles.  I have the experience now that is required to make proper decisions without the panic I required from you as a child. 

The panic you provided me as a child before I had all of this was so important and it saved my life so many times but it's okay to let me take the reigns now.  It's okay to trust us.  It's okay to trust that things work out.  It's okay to be smart and not loud.  Because you and I have grown and we know better now.  

Of course, you are welcome to pop in and out as you need to but remember that you are loved and important and appreciated.  You're not wrong for feeling like you do.  You're not wrong for the panic.  You do not need to defend your intelligence or worth or why you feel panicked.  You are allowed to ask for help and to humbly accept it.  You are allowed to feel.  

I'm sorry for coming at you in a combative way in the past.  You didn't deserve that.   I just want to make it clear that I understand now and I'm here for you.  Don't be afraid.  I'm here.  We'll get through all of it together.  

Now, I have a new task for you.  Something only you can do for us because you are very special.  Your body is getting weaker and you can help it.  It is so much easier than helping it in the past too!  Just slow down and rest.  Read a book, watch tv, laugh with friends, kiss your husband, play with your animals, make art, or just go take a nap.  Enjoy your life.  You worked hard all these years and now you deserve to rest.  No one will bother you about it.   In fact, you'll be supported.  So, please, I insist.  Do that for you, me, and our body.  Thank you so much.  You will save us again and again.  

With love, 

Your Rational Brain


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