journal entry

I feel ridiculous saying anything when this massive hurricane is hitting but that's part of it too. I'm severely depressed and feel like I'm treading water. I'm so fatigued. I have to eat to take my meds but the thought of it is revolting.  

This hurricane is coming and I'm worried about everyone I love, even those who showed last year they don't care about me at all.

This Section 8 stuff is literally killing me. My apartment won't let us out of the lease which is another violation on their part and I'm going to have to sue them. There's no other option. And the new apartment complex won't let us move in until this one releases us. I'm sorry but how did I go from a tenant to a captive? 

Nonstop disability discrimination constantly. Not just ignorance. Straight up discrimination. I can't go anywhere or do anything. I'm so exhausted and sick all the time. I feel like I'm trapped in a lock box 24/7.  

I can't breathe. My whole life I've had to fix every problem. I didn't have a real childhood or college life or just get to enjoy any part of life without needing to fix everything. When do I get to stop and rest? When do I get to heal?


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