Another nightmare
I must have woken up 100 times and it's only 4 AM.
I dreamt I wasn't in Indiana and I had to get back to keep my benefits. This is a common theme. What isn't common is my mother moving to Indiana with me and bringing my sister and my second scummy step dad.
My mother and the scummy step dad (SSD) got with a realtor and had me go on tours of places with them the entire day. Nevermind my fatigue and illness. And obviously every place we looked at was too small or not accessible. It was annoying as hell.
And what really bothers me is this is the bull shit they would constantly pull. Make promises and then not follow through or do the bare minimum to the point that it didn't help at all.
I'm trying to ground myself back in my bedroom in Indianapolis. I'm depressed breathing...
Five things I see:
My phone
The light from the TV indicating it's off
My comforter
My hand
My crystals hanging above my head that obviously do nothing.
4 things I feel:
My body pillow
The cold air on my skin
My toes tangled in the extra design of the comforter
My bear I've had forever
3 things I hear:
My breathing
The thing that makes the air cleaner that I forget what it's called
The winds outside
2 things I smell:
Cold winter air
The light scent of cinnamon soap still on my hands
1 thing I taste
Morning breath
1 thing I can reach for without looking:
My cheeks
1 thing I can identify regarding temperature:
It's insanely cold and I need my sweater again and maybe some heat
Still not feeling great. I'm afraid to go back to sleep. Maybe I'll turn on the light and read for a while. I need to check on Matt and my dog and be sure they aren't freezing because Matt always forgets the heat in his room.
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