I Want

I want time with friends 
But I can't keep plans.

I want something to do
But nothing is interesting.

I want to close my eyes 
But I'm sick of sleeping 

I want to get tests done 
But I can't leave the house.

I want to reach out 
But words come out wrong.

I want to go back to school 
But I know I'll fail. 

I want to take local art classes 
But I won't show up to all of them. 

I want to fight against injustice 
But I can't even deal with my dog acting out.  

I want a bed that is comfortable 
But I don't believe that exists anymore. 

I want to make art
But my inspiration and drive is diminished. 

I want to cry
But I don't want to feel sicker.

I want to travel 
But it will probably kill me. 

I want to read or watch TV 
But nothing keeps my attention. 

I want to go to therapy 
But I can't concentrate on conversations.

I want to take a shower 
But I don't want to be more fatigued.

I want to feel healthy
But that's never going to happen again. 

I want to accept my situation
But how do you accept a life like this? 


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