1 Year

I left Florida, the place that I called home for the vast majority of my life, a year ago today. When I left, I felt like I was being forced out and I was very angry about that. I still feel that I was forced out and I still feel angry about what Florida has become. No matter where I go, Florida will always be home but it's no longer what it was. I pray that someday it can change into a more accepting and inclusive state that has more resources for the people who need it and who takes climate change seriously. 

These are the things I learned in the past year: 

1. Do not assume who your people are until you are completely drowning and you see who is willing to pull you out and who isn't. Blood relation doesn't mean anything. Don't get bogged down by that. You have people who really love you who you might not even think are one of your people until you're drowning. And then there are people who you have been there for through everything who won't do the same for you. Do not dwell on that. Be grateful for the people who stick and help.

2. Get out of dangerous places even if you love them before you can't leave or get to the place you're going for some reason. My reason was I was too sick to travel and made myself even sicker by attempting to get to Oregon 

3. Really get references before you stay with strangers. Be extremely diligent with that. You could end up in a really bad place. 

4. Get ALL agreements in writing. 

5. Never give up on trying to find a diagnosis. Someone out there knows what's wrong with you. 

6. Learn how to make your own decisions without putting so much importance on other people's opinions 

7. It's okay to ask for help and to show you're struggling 

8. If you want to keep your family together, including your animals, it can be done with great research and resources. 

9. Sometimes getting stranded in a city you've never been to leads to really awesome things like great friends, great resources, great medical care, and more 

10. Be scrappy. Research everything. Sell whatever you can let go of. Find resources. Buy at extreme discounts. Own your car, even if it's old and has problems. If you can't find a resource, keep looking. Odds are it exists somewhere. 

Thank you to everyone who has helped us this past year. We wouldn't be alive without you. We love you all so much. And I promise to pay back or forward once we're completely on our feet again.  

Big news: For those who don't know, we got accepted for section 8 recently and according to the housing authority, we will not have to pay anything towards rent at all. The state will be paying for it. We will be able to afford our bills again. We just need to find a place and a way to get our crap there. 

Also, I got my full care plan from my me/CFS specialist and I'm looking forward to start healing.


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