Art Therapy Project Manager

During art therapy last week, I was talking about how I can't get the opinions of my mother in particular but all of my family members out of my head even though I haven't talked to them in a year. I don't believe in their opinions. I believe that they are cruel and ableist ideals. I understand it's what they were taught through generations but it's their responsibility to fix what's broken before they have more kids. And if not before, they should definitely go once it's evident that things are messed up. And it's very evident and they refuse to see it. 

So, to get their nasty ideals out of my head, I changed the sentences I've heard throughout my life. The things that still affect me day after day while trying to deal with a chronic illness. 

I think this exercise was really great and I'm going to look back on it a lot to try to really ingrain my beliefs into my head harder than they did with theirs. I'm excited to heal.


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