In Another World - Generational Trauma

In another world 
my grandmother had a better upbringing 
She had my uncle and mother with her high school sweetheart 
when she saw things were off 
she had support and left him

In another world 
My mother never had to raise her younger siblings 
Her brother never got caught up in drugs 
And he would still be alive 
They both just got to be kids

In another world 
My mother would have grown up knowing exactly who she is
She would have gone to college and loved every moment 
She wouldn't look at the world like it's a competition 
She would know how to love

In another world 
My mother wouldn't have had a one night stand with an addict 
I wouldn't exist 
She wouldn't have married my abusive stepfather 
My sister wouldn't exist 


In another world 
My mother wouldn't rely her happiness 
On relationships with men
She might find the love of her life 
He would be good to her 
But he wouldn't be everything 
She would have 
a career she loves and 
Great friends she cheers on
rather than gossips about 

In another world 
My mother might have had children 
She would know 
How to love them

They would grow up 
Without abuse
Without questioning who they are
They would be extremely close 
There would be regular family dinners 
There wouldn't be any fighting 
Or gossip 

Everyone would help each other,
Be good to each other,
Support each other 
Love each other

In another world 
I wouldn't exist 
But that would be okay 
The generational trauma 
Also wouldn't exist 

In another world 
My mother would be happy 
Her children would be happy 
My family would be happy
Life would be beautiful 


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