Fictional Moms I Wish I Had Instead of Mine While Growing Up

"And I Want To Make You A Promise, Three Things That You Will Have That I Never Did. A Safe Home, Someone To Tell You That They Love You Every Single Day, And Someone To Fight For You No Matter What."

"Keeping it in, that is not brave. Feeling the pain, facing it, that takes courage"

"Home is just a soft place to land in between adventures, or trouble, or what the hell ever. It's a harbor, not an anchor. Be brave, see the world, every forest and mountain, and know you always have a safe place to rest and come back to"

"If you want the rainbow, you've got to put up with a lot of rain."

"Somebody told me this is the place where everything's better and everything's safe"

"Genetically, they are not mine. But I gave birth to them. I raised them. I loved them. And when they went missing, I felt like I was dying"

"You know, you try to act so tough, but I just know who you are and I want you to know I see you. I see how smart you are and how funny you are and how brave you are and I'm just so proud of you and I'm just so glad that you're my kid"

“'My God, I hate her.'

'Me too.'

'You have no idea who I'm talking about.'


"We don't punch in and punch out. There are no nights off."
 Sylvia Redbird, House of Night

"You must truly want everything that the absence of sadness brings with it - all the victories and defeats of a life lived open to the endless possibilities of love and light and laughter." 


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