Happy Mothers Day to the Survivors

Today is Mother's Day 
But it's not worth celebrating 
the mom's who were never really moms at all.
The moms...
Who neglect, 
Who abuse, 
Who manipulate, 
Who mock, 
Who make their children feel less than..
are not important today 
Today, we the children of these moms 
Are the ones who deserve celebrating 
For surviving all the generational trauma passed down to us 
For the tears we cried growing up 
Because we were punished for feeling 
For the struggles we've had to get through on our own 
With no support 
For the hours of therapy 
With the hope of achieving peace
For the way we choose to parent our kids 
So that they don't have to grow up feeling as alone as we did
So happy Mother's Day to you,
You victorious children of toxic parents 
We made it out.
Not everyone does.
Celebrate that.
Be proud. 


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