
I'm a prisoner in many cages
Each smaller than the last

I'm stuck to the city I live in
Unable to travel 
I can't leave my home 
Or I risk becoming sicker
A room I would have once loved
Has become a place I dread
My bed shackles me 
Pulling me to sleep despite my pleas
My body and mind abuses me
over and over again 

I'm a slave to fatigue,
doctor's opinions, 
Mobility aids,
And the availability of others
I have no independence 

My memory is shot
Relationships in shambles 
Reputation forgotten 
What's even the point? 

I'm better off than others
But isn't everyone?
When is the suffering too much 
For the one individual? 

I can't give up
I don't want to die 
I want to live more than 
I've ever wanted everything.

This isn't living. 

Everyone says to accept it
Radical acceptance 
I'm resistant to that type of thinking 
I was born to fight

Resistance is making me sicker

How do you stop fighting something that is killing you? 


  1. Chelsea CartwrightMay 8, 2024 at 6:07 PM

    💜 I relate so much. I like thinking about acceptance as starting where I am. I wake up and go, "Where am I today?" Here's where I start. I need to accept that this is where I'm starting. Acceptance has to be big enough to hold my anger and oceanic grief... my impatience, my fear.... my anxiety and depression. It's a tall order to accept all this disease brings us. So I just focus on "ok. I'm here. This sucks. Now what?" And try to think in small increments of time... There's nothing easy about this. Any of it. Sending hugs.


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