Service Dog Discrimination

I had to deal with discrimination regarding my service dog last night with a hotel. 

 I was told:
-If he didn't have an "official" badge or is not registered in the "national service dog registry" he can't stay there.
-that my dog is an ESA and not a service dog if certified by a doctor 
-that service dog handlers should book at pet friendly hotels because of "dander". 

Legally in the United States, according to, a service dog does not need to be registered anywhere nor even wear a harness let alone a badge. Commercial locations are not allowed to ask for these things nor doctors notes. They are also not allowed to tell you to stay somewhere else because of pet dander, obviously. 

They are allowed to ask two specific questions only:

1. Is this a service animal for a disability?
2. What task do they perform?

They are not allowed to have you have the dog perform the task or ask you about your disability. 

This situation makes me extremely upset. This does not the first time this has happened to me or to other legitimate handlers. Service dog registries will send you specialized stuff for your dog for a fee. They are 100% a scam. There is no reason to sign up because a National registry does not exist and if you know this and you're just trying to get your dog into public places, screw you. 

These fake registries make things extremely hard for the disabled community. I hate that they exist and they should all be shut down immediately with some kind of law. 

The whole situation last night upset me immensely. 

Please do not buy into these service dog registry scams. It hurts everybody who is following the actual laws. 

Thank you 


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