Writing Prompt: Dramatize a Formative Moment in Your Life
When I was born, I was put in a cage.
People would torment me.
Point and laugh at me.
Poke at me over and over.
Call me weird.
Scream at me if I spilled a drop of water.
Hurt me.
When I was 14, I found a key.
I was able to leave my cage for a few hours a day.
No one outside knew about my cage.
I was free for small moments.
When I would escape my cage,
People accepted me.
Loved me.
Wanted to know me.
Like Cinderella,
My time of freedom
would run out
I would have to return to my cage
When I was in my cage,
I would miss the people
who were kind to me,
who loved me,
who accepted me.
So, I got more creative
I started escaping more often.
Sometimes there would be consequences
But they were worth it
For the first time...
I knew love
I knew acceptance
I knew kindness
Eventually, I escaped the cage for good
The journey was rough
Sometimes it is still hard
But I don't regret it.
I'm safe now.
I'm accepted now.
I'm loved now.
And no one will ever put me in a cage again
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